When it's time to sell the ranch...

Next to your faith and whom you marry, this will no doubt be the biggest decision of your life.
When the time comes, I’d like to discuss working with you. Seventeen years ago I started Working Ranch Magazine. Since then, we’ve been blessed to become the nation’s leading magazine for America’s cattle ranchers. We put that same drive and passion to work with Working Ranch Properties, dedicated to getting you full value for your ranch and carefully placing stewardship of it in the hands of the next family.
Today's Ranch Buyers
With ranch prices sky high, these days buyers are more likely to be corporate CEOs and other high net worth families that are looking for a ranch to call their own.
While they may be short on experience, what they do have is the desire and the financial resources to either keep your team on or hire someone with the right experience to help them run the operation.
But how do you find these buyers? The short answer is you need to network nationally, beyond the ranch community and that’s where we come in.
How We Work
First, we’ll sit down and discuss what’s most important to you in preserving the legacy of your ranch. We’ll learn all we can about your operation, water rights, grazing permits, family considerations, etc , and then discuss a listing price.
Next, we’ll work out a plan to maximize exposure to qualified buyers and either co-list or list it with a licensed broker in your state from our network of leading farm and ranch affiliates. Not only do you get the full range of their extended list of potential buyers, we bring our expertise and network of buyers to the table as well to give you the best of both worlds.
We know what a huge decision this is for you. You’ve poured decades of hard work into making your ranch what it is today. And it’s not all about the transaction: there’s the emotional part of the equation too. We get it, which is why you can trust Team Working Ranch to get you the right buyer at the right price.
When the time is right, give me a shout at 949-275-1810. Thank you.
About Drew Lawler
Drew first got his real estate license in 1997. Prior to that, he launched several business magazines ranging from real estate to global trade.
In 2006 he launched Working Ranch Magazine to give ranchers across America a greater sense of community with one another.
More recently, President Trump appointed him Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for NOAA and Federal Commissioner. In August, 2020, he was nominated to be an Assistant Secretary of State.